7 actions to take to (re) become attractive to consultants

According to a study published by France Strategy In 2022, abandoned job offers, lack of candidates, have passed from 4.9% in 2018 to 6% in 2022 - or more than”150,000 “very difficult” recruitments were unsuccessful. Since the health crisis happened, the way we work and the way we design work has Shooted up businesses. The consulting and recruitment sector is well aware of this: it is becoming More and more difficult to find the rare pearl. The wellness and wellness are an integral part of preoccupations something new (and old!) generation of employees.
Consulting and recruitment firms no longer have a choice. You have to be plus gravitational than its competitor to find the good profile. Napta takes stock in this article, with 7 actions to take to become attractive to consultants again.
The first step is to Put in the place of the candidate. Why would this one come into your business, rather than the competitor's? It is not necessary that the Click be left to chance : it must be created!
There is no shortage of ideas: creating a online corporate video, original publication on social networks to get people talking about themselves...
Our tips for not falling into deja vu: Bring something concrete rather than offering a classic job description. For example in Filming the future colleague of the candidate, who presents his daily missions. We must not neglect the “digital feeling”, which allows the candidate to project himself at the person's side or, on the contrary, not to have any hooked atoms...
The Welcome To The Jungle recruitment site understood this well, with the video publication of company representatives. Major players such as KPMG, Grant Thornton or even Accenture and EY use this recruitment site to highlight their corporate culture.
Once the human contact initiated, the consultant wants to focus on the details and consults the Job description. This should not be overlooked either, in detailing the information as much as possible on the missions, the staffing process, the qualities and skills expected, the duration of the position, its location, the estimated salary... As well as offer a glimpse of possible career development and training plans.
Remember: one well-worked job description maximizes relevant applications. What's more, such care in recruitment is a first positive point that seduces the consultant even before meeting a recruiter.
Last advice during your digital recruitment presentation, or during the interview: To make you want. The world of work has changed, and so have its conditions. New life, new rules!
You have to create a equipped and adapted environment in order to motivate the teams. You may have magnificent offices on the Parisian boulevards, with break rooms planted with green plants, it's just The first step to create the famous trigger.
The teleworking Is part of new working conditions in the 21st century. It is relevant to anticipate your resource needs in this regard. In particular, it must be equipped so that the work does not affect your personal life: take into account the needs and wishes of the teams in the staffing process by making them actors in the process.
The purpose? Giving meaning to work by integrating the development wishes of its employees into staffing decisions. Thus, they work on missions that make sense: they are involved, happy and grateful towards the undertaking of such an adventure.
La First playing card, to attract a consultant, is the transparency during the first exchange. It would be a shame if the consultant were disappointed in his first few days of work! Being transparent about the terms of the mission, the expectations of the work to be provided... It is recruiting a motivated and well-informed person the advantages and constraints of the position to be filled.
As a reminder, a recruitment that ends with the departure of the employee after a few days can lead to loss several thousand euros to a company - between 5 and 8,000 euros according to the site Recruited. Recruiting with transparency and honesty avoid wasting time recruit indefinitely on the same workstation.
During the job interview, evoke aspirations and interests of the candidate is not negligible. How to Does he project in the future of the company? What are his ambitions? How does he want that is being set up? It is necessary go beyond the simple listing of hard skills and soft skills. What's more, by focusing on their wishes for development, the consultant feels all the more listened to in the company. It is less frustration and so, potentially, of turnover.
For example, recruiters can discuss with the candidate the internal mobility plan, in order to present concrete career plans. 🥸
Training is an opportunity to ensure talent retention. In fact, by setting up a internal continuing education plan In business, you meet the obligations of employers, but also the requests of consultants. One Win-win process ✨ since your consultants remain at the top of their skills and you can staff them on increasingly complex missions.
Our advice: why not offer train new employees by former employees? You are thus giving new galvanizing missions to the ancients and the useful skills are imparted to the new ones. In case of departure, so you don't lose the know-how!
If the position and the missions appeal to the collaborator, you should also not Leave in your comfort zone too long. Have you heard about the Bore-out ? This symptom occurs in a person who, by dint of boredom, of repetitive missions, uninteresting challenges or missions, Undergoes its work.
By listening to Development wishes and in parallel the establishment of a training plan For the management of their career, the employee evolves within the company. Consequence? One well-being at work which is manifested with a low turnover rate and involved employees.
A collaborator Share of the company for new adventures? Remember that his departure does not mean that he may not return one day. So, without taking out the champagne, why not make this experience enjoyable?
Help him to highlight your skills, Put words on his needs, his desires and his aspirations... There is no shortage of ideas for Take care of off-boarding and accompany him on his next adventure. Some consulting companies have in fact set up a dedicated training program (such as the company Mazars !) . The idea? Create a tailor-made program allowing everyone to express themselves about their expectations, desires and wishes for the future. In return, the employee is coached, advised and redirected as needed.
The conclusion on off-boarding? You need to make it feel that Every start is positive and that its potential return would not necessarily be synonymous with a Voyage to the Titanic 🛳️
La transparency could be the Breadcrumb trail of these 7 actions to take. By placing transparency at the heart of its principles before, during and after the missions carried out by each employee, you limit risks (turn-over, burn-out, bore-out, etc.).
Transparency is Give full trust to others - and he makes it good! Remember that collaborators are the Corporate mirror. So you have to align with what you expect from them: honesty, productivity, and authenticity.
For the A reflection of your business that lives up to your expectations, You know what you have to do 😉
Do you want to go deeper into the subject? We have lots of resources at your disposal to help you go further.
In addition to this subject, find our guide”6 tips to become attractive to your consultants again”.
Also discover our guides, templates and checklists in the Resources tab.
See you soon at Napta!