Join 150+ consulting leaders who are revolutionizing staffing with Napta
Discover the resource management platform preferred by the largest international consulting, audit and IT firms.

Napta se démarque par son engagement sans faille auprès des cabinets de conseil, ESN, et cabinets d’audit, en boostant l’engagement et la performance des équipes grâce à une technologie de pointe. Avec un ADN centré sur l’honnêteté, l’accompagnement, la bienveillance, et une ambition inébranlable, nous visons le succès collectif et l’autonomie. Notre équipe est toujours prête à accompagner et partager notre expertise, faisant de Napta un partenaire de confiance pour des projets cohérents et rentables.

Arnaud Caldichoury
CEO et co-fondateur

Avec Napta, nous avons gagné en transparence puisque tous nos collaborateurs ont une totale visibilité sur les nouvelles opportunités de staffing du cabinet et peuvent candidater dessus.

Vincent Luciani
CEO et co-fondateur

La mission de Napta répond au principal défi que connaissent aujourd’hui les organisations orientées projet : réconcilier performance opérationnelle et enjeux RH. La plateforme apporte transparence et simplicité dans un processus complexe, mais clé, de l’entreprise : le staffing de projets. Elle place l’engagement collaborateur au centre du jeu, en intégrant les aspirations des équipes dans le staffing.

Timothée Poulain
Investment Director

Thanks to Napta, we can now both facilitate the sharing of knowledge through peer learning, map the evolution of these skills, and monitor their evolution over time. In this way, we are able to compose the most relevant teams for each client project. In addition, we appreciated the support from the Napta teams, and the listening to our needs, which made it possible to develop the tool and adapt it to our corporate culture.

Audrey Huvet
Director of the Center for Contributive Research

We have built a highly personalized and actionable skills framework for very specialized jobs thanks to the support of Napta. This allows us to define an ambitious GPEC policy and to support our employees throughout their careers at EDF.

Laurent Billet
Scientific director

With Napta, we have met two objectives: to facilitate and equip the management of staffing and to implement a real policy for developing the skills of employees through staffing.

Alix Pradère

With Napta, we can connect with our CRM and have replaced three tools in order to make staffing more fluid and to support consultants in their professional career at Bartle.

Patrick Nicolle
Founding partner

With Napta, we were able to increase our staffing rates and save time in the planning process. We can now also manage the financial margin of missions sold in real time on Napta. In addition, we have gained in transparency since all our employees have total visibility on the firm's new staffing opportunities and can apply for them.

Vincent Luciani
Co-founder & Global CEO

At Axys Consultants, we managed to acquire a global vision of the firm's activity thanks to the deployment of the Napta platform in less than 5 weeks. We have configured our reports with our priority KPIs and can monitor the progress of our projects as closely as possible.

Lionel Bianchi
Associate director

By working in partnership with Napta, we have better understood the challenges of linking “skills” and “ways to increase skills” such as training. We had the opportunity to integrate the recurrent training courses provided over the past several years into our internal and external training plan in a simplified way. For the first time, we have thus created the Rhôn'Telecom training catalog.

Nathalie Darce-Kawak
Human Resources Director

Napta reports allow me to make decisions quickly. They summarize all the information that is essential to me: availability, distribution of employees on current missions and vision on those who are not or under staffed over the coming weeks. Thanks to this vision, sales teams have better visibility and we make better staffing decisions.

Louise Leroux
Sales Operations Manager BAM

When choosing our tool, we wanted a “pure player” in staffing, capable of responding to the most complex problems. After an in-depth benchmark of the tools on the market, Napta came out number 1 in this research. It is the solution that offers the greatest customization and flexibility, which was necessary due to the different processes of our BUs.

Jason Delabays
Head of No-Code

With Napta, Rhôn'Telecom is taking a step forward by equipping itself with a solution that is easy to use and specialized in the management and career management of its talents. The methodology and support of the Napta team were decisive for the successful deployment of the solution and its interconnection with the Rhôn'Telecom Information System.

Théodore Villette
Operational manager

The new staffing process implemented with Napta is a source of satisfaction for all. Consultants can see potential future missions and “apply” for them, project managers receive faster and more qualitative proposals from collaborators for their projects, and operations managers save time in processing resource requests.

Samir Sadaka
ex VP & Operations Director

For the management of staffing and skills at Kaora Partners, we chose Napta, a simple and collaborative solution, which places our employees at the center of planning challenges and which offers real support.

Sébastien Calvez
Co-founder and partner

We had started the internal development of a staffing and skills management tool in order to support our growth. The discovery of Napta convinced us to choose off-the-shelf software that meets our needs, in order to focus on developing our customer projects and other essential internal tools.

Laura Pochebonne
Recruiting manager

With Napta, we have accelerated the professionalization and digitalization of our HR processes: we can now follow the career of all our consultants on a single tool and support them in their development at TNP. Napta is the ideal partner for conducting and monitoring our interviews, managing the skills and abilities of our employees, and promoting our training approach.

Marine Normand
HR manager

Thanks to the deployment of Napta, we have succeeded in streamlining our annual evaluation process. We have also digitized end-of-project evaluations in order to monitor and support our employees in their development at VERTONE.

Fabienne Goarzin
HR Partner

I saved a lot of time as an administrator between the old software used and Napta. The online support is very efficient and very responsive. The whole Napta team is really responsive, it's a real pleasure!

Sophie Bourguignon
Office manager
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Napta, the ideal staffing solution for today's and tomorrow's businesses.
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🔒 All our demonstrations are 100% free and without any commitment on your part. We never share your personal data with third parties who could use it to solicit you directly.