GPEC: global approach to understand everything
GPEC is a process Very well known human resources services. However, its application in business varies from one to the other. So much so that it is sometimes difficult to take stock of this process, or to give a perfect definition of it. The GPEC frames the concepts of recruitment, of Management of skills, of training...Β
GPEC stands for Predictive Job and Skills Management. An acronym that is a bit barbaric at first glance and does not give immediate visibility on its function, use or benefits. Thus, this tool may be misunderstood by those who wish to use it. At Napta, we see things differently.
A GPEC is above all a framework for understand, analyze and implement an HR strategy, in line with its current and future needs. To do this, an action plan is put in place, in order to meet the various strategic objectives of the company.
Ce action plan is divided into several steps, during which the objectives, the allotted time to do it and the stakeholders of each part. To be clear, the establishment of a GPEC takes place in various phases:
Set up a GPEC project is often ambitious and requires having the necessary internal supports and best practices at your disposal:
Forward Management of Jobs and Skills is composed of complex terms, which must be understood before going any further:
Predictive Management of Jobs and Skills is therefore the strategic implementation of concrete actions to ensure the availability of skills in a company to meet business and operational needs.
When a company decides to start building a GPEC, it decides to meet concrete needs, such as:
Good to know: the GPEC is mandatory every 3 years, in the companies of more than 400 employees according to article L2242-15. Above all, it aims to ensure that all employees are in line with the requests of department managers. The GPEC thus participates, in its own way, in the sustainability of the company. Indeed, managers who are potentially absent from certain meetings can express themselves on their needs in terms of recruitment (skills, training, etc.).
GPEC is not only a tool, but above all an approach that is intended to be both proactive and Anticipatory. Indeed, the GPEC is developing a 360 view on the challenges of the company, between internal issues in terms of management, recruitment, training... Developing the company's objectives in the short and long term accordingly. It invites all department heads, managers and managers, but also employees to share their corporate vision.
Management is therefore naturally involved in this approach, since HR and managers work hand in hand to establish it. The implementation of GPEC tools makes it possible to take stock of human skills, but also on technical needs.
Forward Management of Jobs and Skills bridges the gap between the concept of employment and skills (reminder: our lexical point above). It is important that these two concepts are not approached in an opaque way that is impermeable to each other, but to develop a joint dialogue.
Link the skills mapping with job descriptions and career paths allows you to have visibility on the skills that are already available in the company and those that are missing to fill all jobs. The two combined make it possible to make the best decisions in recruitment, training, Upskilling or internal mobility.
GPEC therefore naturally creates more coordination between the various divisions of the company, because it contributes to creating a link between the company's HR and operational challenges.
Some companies no longer talk about GPEC and have no idea about it. We feel a Real misunderstanding of the value of GPEC tools within his company, when it is often the first step towards strategic improvement: creation of objectives, standardization of working methods, digitization of the company...
However, it should be borne in mind that most of the jobs to come from here 2030 and 2050 will no longer have the same face. Rethinking your strategy with GPEC tools means above all going beyond its current needs And of foresee the new jobs in the making, as well as to remain open to new technologies that are coming onto the market.
For example, the digital tools present in business today highlight the state of skills at a given moment, but do not necessarily call into question current achievements and those to be established. By staying with current tools, you risk missing out on development opportunities for your business.
GPEC has a future within any company, even those in the midst of digital transition. Indeed, it also remains a agile solution, or a solution:
At Napta, we are very familiar with the concept of GPEC and we encourage you to use it by using our employee tracking tool. The latter offers numerous opportunities:
Do you want to go deeper into the subject? We have lots of resources at your disposal to help you go further.
In addition to this subject, find our templateβThe perfect load plan for a successful deploymentβ.
Also discover our guides, templates and checklists in the Resources tab.
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