How to control the resource management of your consulting firm or ESN?

The Ressource Management is complex. It is even more so in a service company like yours. So many parameters are taken into account in effective and efficient resource management that we thought it was necessary to tell you about the three most important ones, without prioritizing them.
From your ability to collect, process and learn from your data to the involvement of your employees in your resource management process to the need to use a tool dedicated to your staffing, discover the three conditions Sine qua None Of a Ressource Management that works.
In our article positioning the data as the keystone of resource management, that resource management was a matter of arbitration and that that was precisely the difficulty of this work. To simplify this mission, you need to rely on data.
Of course, resources can in no way be reduced to data that is moved from one column to another. They are most of the time women and men working for the success of client missions as well as that of their own careers.
But when you have your head in the handlebars, or rather in missions, he is difficult to gain height and to worry about everything that does not directly and operationally concern work in the field, starting with data.
However, make your firm or your digital services company grow in line with your ROI ambitions will require much more than delivering quality work to your customers. This will first require being able to collect all the information relating to your missions. Objective: to understand the fundamental trends that are emerging project after project.
But the sources of Data are so numerous (employees, managers, recruiters, top management,...) that very quickly, you will realize the need to professionalize this data collection. It is often through this reflection that the need to use a tool dedicated to Ressource Management Such as Napta can be.
And that's a good thing, because, in addition to collecting information, The essence of this software is to allow you to learn lessons collected data, because that is what we are interested in.
How many consultants are really needed for this type of mission? What is the intercontract rate for what time of the year? What is the margin rate that you can expect by taking into account future missions?
Since these are generally situations that you have already experienced, your data will be used to learn, to anticipate and finally, to master a little more one of the most important resources of your consulting firm or ESN: time.
By the very admission of many of Napta customers, following the implementation of their staffing software or Ressource Management, there was a before and after in simply managing their consulting firm or ESN.
Three benefits come back constantly during our exchanges and, in our opinion, materialize quite well the way in which a solution of Ressource Management can transform an entire business and how it operates.
It often starts with a considerable time savings for consultants as well as for managers. This is easy to understand, because when you are a firm with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of consultants, who are also assigned to different entities, harmonizing the management of staffing is far from being a luxury.
And the best starting point to streamline your Staffing Cross Services meetings and your processes of Ressource Management remains the establishment of a real resource management tool.
If to that, you add a new transparency throughout Process of Staffing facilitating the work of partners in their management and a simplified transmission of Feedback by the employees, you get an essential tool for any firm or ESN wishing to take a step forward.
Employees, the nerve center of resource management, and probably even of your entire business, must be a part of your Ressource Management to guarantee its success.
On the one hand, it means to take into account their feedback to improve the Process of Ressource Management. Who better, after all, than consultants present at the client's premises on a daily basis to judge the operational relevance of your staffing in particular.
On the other hand, involving your employees in this resource management process means that it is put at their service. And to do this, equipping yourself with resource management software will once again prove to be very useful, allowing you to set up an end-of-mission evaluation system, via a form for example.
In the same way, the annual evaluations can be greatly facilitated by using your staffing tool to ensure that the manager and the collaborator are both aligned before considering the evaluation to be complete. The new validated skills thus complement the skills mapping from your office or ESN.
By showing your employees the concrete value that effective resource management brings them, you give them real motivation to get involved in order to improve this Process continuously and not oppose it.
The complexity of managing a consulting business requires mastering the fundamentals, starting with a real ability to effectively manage your resources with your staffing at the forefront.
To help you in this task, three parameters seem to us to need to be mastered, namely a real ability to learn from your data, to involve your employees in the construction of your process. Ressource Management and finally, to select and use the right tool to save time and facilitate your daily management.
Do you want to go deeper into the subject? We have lots of resources at your disposal to help you go further.
In addition to this subject, find our white paper βThe keys to an optimal staffing processβ.
Also discover our guides, templates and checklists in the Resources tab.
See you soon at Napta!
Do you want to go deeper into the subject? We have lots of resources at your disposal to help you go further.
In addition to this subject, find our guidebook β6 tips to become attractive to your consultants againβ.
Also discover our guides, templates and checklists in the Resources tab.
See you soon at Napta!